Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9/10/2009: First day of Kindergarten

The kindergartners had orientation for the first couple days of the school year, so now Brooke started her first full day of K today. She was so excited. That she had one friend that she knows from church. However, when recess time came, that one girl, who Brooke was so excited to play with, said she had enough friends and wants to play with them during school. Ouch. Brooke cried when she got home. She was so set on playing with this one girl. However, what she doesn’t realize is that this forced her to make some new friends. She was talking about others she got to know and play with. While it hurt for a short time, I don’t think she consciously realizes that this probably expanded her friend base and also may have made her more charitable toward others who want to play in her group. It’ll work out. Tough to hear as a parent, but I honestly see it as a positive. Additionally, her teacher (who taught Emery in Kindergarten as well) said Brooke was very attentive and obeyed all the rules. This is a good sign!

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