Monday, June 7, 2010

My buns get scared

We're horsing around with the kids yesterday and 6-yr old Brooke looks at a scratch on my hand. She gets a concerned look on her face and says: "Daddy, whenever I look at someone's ouwy, my buns get scared." I respond: "Your buns get scared?" (glancing at Melissa with a smirk) "What do you mean, sweetie?" "Well, I look at someone's ouwy and I don't like it, so my buns go "ccghtt" (gesturing with both hands clinching) "You mean your buns tighten up?" "Yeah, they get real tight."

Couldn't contain the laughter at that point. So we concluded that she sees someone hurt and feels compassion on their pain and her physiological reaction is to tighten her cheeks. Now that's something I'd not heard before. What a sweetheart.

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