Saturday, September 20, 2008

July 23rd, 2008 - The Whitmer Farm

After spending a couple of days in the Berkshires, we ventured off to upstate New York to see some Church historical sites and Niagara Falls. The first stop was Fayette, New York and the Peter Whitmer farmhouse. The place where the Church was officially organized on April 6, 1830. It is also the site of a great deal of translation of the Book of Mormon. It was really neat to see the replica house and get a feel for the geography of the area. One thing that struck us about the old homes like this is that they look so small from the outside, but when you go in, there's more room than one might expect. And an upper floor with more space as well. This site is especially important because multiple significant events took place here. Primarily, the Whitmer's provided a place where Joseph Smith and company (Oliver, etc) could work in peace. It was a place where they could focus on the monumental translation task at hand. It was also a humble, yet ideal, setting for the organization of the Church. Think about it. A farm is pristine and beautiful; it also represents a place where hard work provides a crop, which sustains life. There is a metaphor for the Church in a simple, beautiful place like this. An ideal place for the 'birthplace" of the restoration.

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