Friday, January 18, 2008

Hydrogen + Oxygen = POWER

Many may not know this about me, but I am fascinated by the discussion of alternative energy sources. I believe most of my passion stems from my disgust that we are so dependent on other nations for fuel. I'm not a "flaming L-word", fact, quite the opposite, but I do have a brain and see a significant need to find a solution to this huge problem in our global community. Since my undergraduate time in college, I've been an advocate of hydrogen Fuel Cell technology. Granted, I know there are problems with it, but overall it appears to have the most realistic upside to realistically support our economy while also preserving our freedoms afforded us by our automobiles. Anectodally, I also attended a business breakfast yesterday where a speaker (discussing traffic and congestion) said "Our economy cannot prosper unless people and goods can move freely." I agree. How important this is to our economy & lives in general. Of course, we could drive a whole lot less (i.e. commuting, frivolous unnecessary trips, etc) and probably be much better off, but still, even with significant conservation efforts, most of us lead lives that require a car for many activities.

Last week there was an intriguing article in the Portland Tribune that I did not want to neglect in my blogoshpere:

"Geoffrey Holland, the co-author of a primer on hydrogen technology, says it wouldn’t cost that much for Oregon to begin developing hydrogen filling stations, starting with one or two in the Portland area. More people are talking about West Coast “hydrogen highways” that could enable fuel-cell-powered cars to travel from British Columbia to Southern California. "

I'm glad to hear that progress is being made. I'd love to buy a hydrogen vehicle. The infrastructure isn't there and the kinks haven't been worked out, but I'm happy to find out major manufacturers (GM, Honda and others) will distribute fuel cell vehicles for real-world use this year.


BlazerABE said...

My friend Randy showed me this page on Honda's website:

Key line:
"Honda has operated an experimental Home Energy Station in Torrance, California, since 2003. The Home Energy Station, which generates hydrogen from natural gas, is designed to provide heat and electricity for the home through fuel cell cogeneration and to supply fuel for a hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicle."

iRIS said...

Wow! This is fascinating... I'm going to have to do some research and study this subject now. You just tickled my brain a bit!

iRIS said...

Wow! This is fascinating... I'm going to have to do some research and study this subject now. You just tickled my brain a bit!