Sunday, September 30, 2007

Brooke Pregnant?

Brooke has been saying some pretty funny things lately. In fact, as I type this, she just approached me (climbing out of bed and coming downstairs when she's supposed to be sleeping) saying "Daddy, I cannot sleep with my eyes open." - and yes, that's a direct quote, she says the word Cannot." She has realized certain things get a lot of attention and special perks. Particularly saying she's sick. She tells me she's sick all the time now. Especially when she knows she may get in trouble for something, etc. But this was a good one. She has also noticed mommy gets perks for being pregnant. So what does she say to me when I tell her mommy gets a certain treat "because she's pregnant and has a baby in her tummy."? Brooke's response: "Daddy, I'm pregnant." Woa. Not hoping to hear that for at least a couple more decades. Yikes. Cracking me up. Now she's offering me a peanut butter cookie. I better get this one off to bed...again - for the third time tonight. How many times we gonna brush those teeth, sweetie?

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